Missing Link in Whole Body Wellness Course (ITA1):

Helping our Littles Breathe, Thrive & Grow: An Integrative Team Approach to Creating the Blueprint for Wholeness (special focus on 0–5 year old patients)

with Dr Amy Luedemann, DDS, Dr. Neel Bulchandani, DC, Melissa Nealy, CPM, LM, IBCLC, CFT & Karindy Ong, MA, CCC-SLP, OMT, CFT, LSVT

This is a 2 day course held at Ayres Hotel, Seal Beach, CA

Sunday, April 30, 2023

7:00am — 8:00am

Welcome & Guided Movement: Freeing the Tongue (Dr. Neel)

8:00am — 10:00am

What is Normal vs Dysfunction, Assessment Beyond Frenums (Dr. Amy)

10:00am — 11:00am

Team Approach: The role of Birthworkers & IBCLCs in identifying and habilitating babies with TOTs & CFS, Inviting them into your practice and learning the art of referral (Melissa)

11:00am — 12:00pm

Relationship between our interconnected systems: Cranial, sacral, fascial, skeletal, neuromuscular, visceral & stomatognathic (Dr. Neel)

12:00pm — 1:00pm

Group Lunch: Sit with speaker who you want to know better! Questions welcomed

1:00pm — 2:00pm

Live patient assessment and treatment by the Team

2:00pm — 4:00pm

Anatomy of the Buccal, Labial & Lingual Frenulum and their relation to the rest of the fascial system and their impact on function & posture. Identifying & addressing underlying factors of myofascial rigidity – stressors, toxins, pathogens, sensory issues. Different bodywork techniques. (Dr. Neel)

4:00pm — 5:00pm

Strategic Play for Neural Engagement: How an SLP/OMT can reduce risk of negative outcomes and improve functional competence in your patients (Karindy)

5:00pm — 6:00pm

You can do this!  It’s not about a best tool but the technique used well with any tool (Dr. Amy)

Monday, May 1, 2023

7:00am — 8:00am

Aviara Integrative Center Tour & Live LAFTR Demos (Group 1: Dr. Amy at Aviara) Movintuit: Awakening the Brain (Group 2: Dr. Neel at Aviara)

8:00am — 10:00am

Manual therapies; hypersensitive gag reflex, TOTs-related tension in shoulders & hips Navigating patients who’ve had incomplete/partial releases/re-attachment (Dr. Neel)

10:00am — 11:00am

Bridging the Gap: The role of the SLP/OMT as a connector in the team approach for optimal release & timing (Karindy);

11:00am — 12:00pm

Navigating patients who’ve had incomplete releases, have scar tissues or just haven’t reached their outcome goals (Dr. Amy)

12:00pm — 1:00pm

Group Lunch: Sit with speaker who you want to know better! Questions welcomed

1:00pm — 2:00pm

Aviara Integrative Center Tour & Live LAFTR Demos (Group 2: Dr. Amy at Aviara) Live Body Work Demos (Group 1: Dr. Neel at Aviara)

2:00pm — 4:00pm

Structural (jaw and facial) development tools & techniques supported by functional soft tissue therapy: For 0~5 versus 6~12 yo (Dr. Amy)

4:00pm — 5:00pm

Role of genetic and epigenetic factors on TOTS: Discussing the rise of TOTS and CFS cases, and broaching the topic of prophylaxis for TOTS (Melissa)

5:00pm — 6:00pm

Emotional Attunement and Bedside manner in the Integrative team approach. Architecting the blueprint of life—from birth to crawling to walking to expanding awareness and integration (Dr. Neel)

6:00pm — 6:30pm

Reviewing the Integrative Team Model with sample assessment, consent, pre & post procedure, and referral forms (Dr. Ahn)