Dr. Bahar Esmaili, DDS and Dr. Craig Pearson, DC, CC, BSC

Dr. Bahar Esmaili, DDS

Dr. Bahar Esmaili, DDS

Mystery of the Mandible from Nose to Toes presented by Dr. Bahar Esmaili

The Missing Link in Airway, TMJ & Occlusion Course (PATD):

The Critical Role of Posture in Airway & TMJ Disorders: What Dentists, Chiropractors & Physical Therapists need to understand to promote alignment and balance in our Autonomic Nervous System, Posture, Airway, Jaw & Occlusion.

Friday to Sunday, August 18, 19 & 20, 2023 (9am–6pm)

8am–9am Registration & Breakfast, 1pm–2pm Lunch

24 CE Units for Dentists

DC/PT/OT/SLP: Please check with your governing board to see if the course certifications can be submitted for applicable CE credits.

Some Important Questions to Consider:

  1. What are the current solutions for headaches, TMJ pain, neck pain and body aches? Botox? Splint therapy? Laser Therapy? Cervical Adjustment? Manual Therapy?

  2. What are the current solutions for sleep disturbances? Oral Appliance Therapy? C-Pap? Myofunctional Therapy?

  3. Is it Apnea or Dysautonomia? Our face & posture holds the clues.

  4. Why are our teeth crooked, faces asymmetric and body mal-aligned? The answers and solutions may not be what you think..

Join Dr. Bahar Esmaili, DDS, Dr. Craig Pearson, DC, Michal Niedzielski, PT and Dr. Ted Belfor, DDS at Aviara Institute in discovering the missing links and strategies to assess and treat your complex Airway, TMJ, Mal-occlusion and Chronic Pain patients with confidence. Proper diagnosis and integrative care is key to whole body wellness. This is an exclusive hands-on course limited to 16 participants (goal: 8 dentists, 4 chiropractors and 4 physical therapists). Each participant will have an opportunity to assess each other under the direction of the presenters.

Course Objectives:

  • Learn the relationship between posture, pelvis, cranial and cervical spine as they relate to the mandible, TMJ and airway.

  • Learn the importance of orthopedic correction and obtaining a stable foundation – especially in case of pelvic/sacral mal-alignment or misaligned jaw - prior to dental, Sleep/TMJ therapy, body work or other interventions.

  • Learn how dentists can work with SOT chiropractors and physical therapists in correct syntax to create greater homeostasis orthopedically, neurologically and biochemically for optimal breathing and respiration.

  • Learn what Craniofacial Dystrophy (lack of facial growth and development) and Morphogenic Functional Appliance Therapy (MFAT) is. Discover the benefits and limitations of various oral appliances such as ALF, Homeoblock, Vivos and how dentists can use certain tools to obtain optimal results when the therapies are combined with postural alignment that supports improved breathing, balance and function.

  • Learn the importance of addressing common cranial strain patterns as they relate to posture and breathing before treating patients.

  • Learn how our body self-regulates (via pure reflex responses) using the 3 Biomechanical Complexes of the body and how dysfunction in any one of the 3 complexes will lead to compensatory adaptation & inflammation requiring comprehensive intervention from dentists, chiropractors and physical therapists (and other specialists) :

    • Cranial – Cervical – Mandibular Complex

    • Thoracic – Abdominal Complex

    • Pelvic (Sacral) – Lumbar – Femoral Complex

  • Understand the neurodynamic relationship between airflow & posture (smooth versus smooth compensatory) and the interrelationship between diaphragmatic coupling:

    • Simpson’s Fascia

    • Thoracic Diaphragm

    • Pelvic Floor

    • Soft Palate – Tongue

    • Tentorium Cerebelli and Falx Cerebri

  • Learn the nuances of how to integrate the whole body in your dental/airway/TMJ, chiropractic or physical therapy practice and when to refer to frenectomy specialists, occupational therapists, podiatrists, speech/language therapists, myofunctional therapists, sleep MDs, functional MDs & other healthcare professionals.