Aviara Institute Presents
Missing Links in Whole Body Wellness Series:

Session I (E–Course)

Airway Architect Foundations:
Beyond the Mouth from Nose to Toes

How dentists, chiropractors and physical therapists can work together to create homeostasis for whole body health

Dr. Bahar Esmaili, DDS
Dr. Craig Pearson, DC, CC, BSC, SOT
Dr. Ted Belfor, DDS
Michal Niedzielski, MS, PT, PRC, PRI



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for DC/PT/DO

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Review of the BIO-MECHANICAL SYSTEM (structural, neuromusculoskeletal):

Airway-Postural Integration:
Michal Niedzielski, PT

  • Learn how our body self-regulates (via pure reflex responses) using the 3 Biomechanical Complexes of the body and how dysfunction in any one of the 3 complexes will lead to compensatory adaptation & inflammation requiring comprehensive intervention from dentists, chiropractors and physical therapists (and other specialists) :

    • Cranial - Cervical - Mandibular Complex

    • Thoracic - Abdominal Complex

    • Pelvic (Sacral) - Lumbar - Femoral Complex

  • Understand the neurodynamic relationship between airflow & posture (smooth versus smooth compensatory) and the interrelationship between diaphragmatic coupling:

    • Simpson’s Fascia

    • Thoracic Diaphragm

    • Pelvic Floor

    • Soft Palate - Tongue

    • Tentorium Cerebelli and Falx Cerebri

Sacro-Occipital Integration: 
Craig Pearson, DC

  • Understand primary respiration and cranial strains. 

  • Chiropractic techniques most beneficial when collaborating with dentists to address TMD

  • Requirements for balanced structure and stable foundation for airway development and fluid management. 

  • How the body’s neurology is related to skull and pelvis alignment. 

  • The role of fascia, body distortions and nervous system dysfunctions. 

Cranio-Mandibular Integration: 
Bahar Esmaili, DDS - Airway Architect

  • The ascending approach to TMD therapy; stabilizing the pelvis before addressing cranial distortions or craniofacial pain.

  • Addressing cranial distortions with dental orthopedic appliances (e.g. Vivos, Homeoblock, ALF,...)

  • Screening patients that are good candidates for oral appliances to address breathing disorders and upper airway syndromes

  • Recognizing the unintegrated primitive reflexes & understanding how they impact growth and development

  • The term adaptive capacity and how it is reflected through posture and breathing pattern. 

  • Learn the nuances of how to integrate the whole body in your dental/airway/TMJ, chiropractic or physical therapy practice and know when to refer to frenectomy specialists, occupational therapists, podiatrists, speech/language therapists, myofunctional therapists, sleep MDs, functional MDs & other healthcare professionals. 

Ted Belfor, DDS - Founder Homeoblock

  • Learn what Craniofacial Dystrophy (lack of facial growth and development) and Morphogenic Functional Appliance Therapy (MFAT) is. Discover the benefits and limitations of various oral appliances such as ALF, Homeoblock, Vivos and how dentists can use certain tools to obtain optimal results when the therapies are combined with postural alignment that supports improved breathing, balance and function.

  • Learn the importance of addressing common cranial strain patterns as they relate to posture and breathing before treating patients